Free Babes Handmade X Jessica Garvin

Introducing the Jessica Garvin X Free Babes Handmade collection. The collection has a posy chambray, starfruit yellow, a flower child floral, and watermelon linen—it's bright, bold, and ready for adventures in the summer sunshine. Jessica wanted the collection to be bright and colorful, full of texture, with some pretty pinks and lavenders. Her vision for this was so spot on—we are both so thrilled with how the collection came together. Hope you enjoy the darling photos of Jessica's littles. 

Free Babes Handmade X Jessica Garvin Watermelon Linen Schoolgirl BowWATERMELON LINEN OVERSIZED SCHOOLGIRL BOW

Free Babes Handmade X Jessica Garvin  Free Babes Handmade X Jessica Garvin Flower Child Sailor BowFLOWER CHILD SAILOR BOW

Free Babes Handmade X Jessica Garvin

I hope your summer has been bright, bold, and beautiful so far! 

Be Brave, Hillary 

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